Hello my beautiful followers! ( ˘ ³˘)❤
Today I want to share with you this fresh summery look that I came with recently. It is very simple yet girlish and elegant. Lovin' the dress for its vivid unusual print. I think it is as great for partying as for traveling around!
The summer in Saint Petersburg is quite unbearable (bear joke! haha) so I decided to use this adorable bear backpack. I bought it ages ago while visiting Finland. It is very comfortable and roomy. Moreover this bear is extremely soft. So if you can't live without carrying your teddy around this backpack is definitely for you!
I think you can order this backpack online here.
So not to make the outfit look too heavy and cumbrous I decided to go with plain heels and little of accessorizes: only my favorite coulomb and a hat that will save me and my hair from the sun exposure. Seriously it is too hot here! I finished the look with the pair of my favorite heart-shaped sunglasses that add this dreamy and innocent mood to the outfit.
Hope you liked it!
By the way where are you from and is it hot there at the moment? Love reading all your comments~ Thank you!
Dress: BeFree
Backpack: Cova collection (The Arctic Wildlife)
Shoes: Ecco
Hat: Gift shop
Привет, мои прекрасные фолловеры! ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

Лето в Петербурге просто невыносимо! Очень жарко и душно, но этот чудесный рюкзак-медведь идеален в любую погоду! Я купила его пару лет назад во время поездки в Финляндию и с тех пор берегу как зеницу ока. Он не только очень удобен, но и вместителен - в него помещается вообще всё. А еще этот мишка безумно мягкий и приятный на ощупь. Так что если вы один из тех людей, кто не может никуда пойти без своего плюшевого медвежонка, - этот рюкзак как раз то, что вам нужно. ヾ(´(エ)`ノ゙
Я думаю, его можно заказать здесь.
Чтобы наряд не стал грузным, я решила подобрать к нему одноцветные туфли под цвет апельсинов на платье. Из аксессуаров мой выбор пал на любимый кулон и шляпку, которая защитит мои волосы от солнца. Правда, здесь сли-и-и-ишком жарко! Ну и напоследок мои любимые очки в форме сердца. Они добавляют +40 милости к любому наряду и этот не исключение.
Надеюсь, вам понравилось!
Кстати, а откуда вы и жаркое ли лето? Мне приятно читать ваши комментарии~ Спасибо!
This is yushi *\(^o^)/*
ОтветитьУдалитьI live in japan and yesyes!! It is super hot latelyyyy :((((
Your outfit is such an inspiration!!
I want to try this look!!
You are so gorgeous anyway ♡♡
Follow youuuu ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Oh wow! I've been studying Japanese language for 2 years now~ Really want to go to uni in Tokio (´ω`★)
УдалитьAnd thank you I am glad that you liked it~
Lets stay in touch!
Very cute outfit ^_^
Thank you~ * ^ *
УдалитьOmg I LOVE LOVE yr style!!! You are adorable!!! Love your blog! Thanks for the kind comment on mine :) xx
Thank you very much! Glad you like it~ <3
УдалитьOh my goodness!!! I love the bag~ *w* It's super adorable~ And your dress is really cute. You have a new follower~ Keep blogging~
ОтветитьУдалитьLove, Aimee
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Yay! Cheers ^ w ^
УдалитьIt sucks that it's so hot, do you enjoy the heat? I really can't stand it, but luckily it's really cool here in Canada this summer *___*. Usually it's really hot, so it's quite strange, haha.
ОтветитьУдалитьYour outfit looks perfect for heat though, and it's super cute! That's the kind of hat I've been on the hunt for lately ke ke {milkymemoir.blogspot.ca}
Thank-you for following me, btw ^^
УдалитьI like when it's hot and windy and fresh but where I live it is very stuffy and every day literally I am suffocating! :<
УдалитьBut I also prefer cool weather because I can wear all black and be very gothic (◑‿◐)
And the hat is great! The only thing saving me from a heat stroke lol
Thank you for such a great comment! I am so glad YOU follow me * ^ *
aww so cute, i love your dress and that bag is to die for <3
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Haha better buy than die :D
УдалитьCute outfit!love the bag!
УдалитьSo cute:з
ОтветитьУдалитьI would be very happy if you are subscribing to me or just check out my blog http://kurumichiii.blogspot.ru/
УдалитьOMGGGG you are sooooo cute hun!!!! like a true doll!!!!! and a true ulzzang!!! I've just followed you on GFC, would love it if you could follow me back! Looking forward to your next post hun! <3
ОтветитьУдалитьxoxo, Mango ❤
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Stahp it you :'DDD
УдалитьThank you for such a kind comment dear (✿ฺ◕ฺ‿◕ฺ)
Cool look, love the print on the dress, you are so pretty :)
Thank you ❤*